Maui Steel Guitar Festival

2022 Festival Program

The 2022 Maui Steel Guitar Festival will be a condensed version of pre-pandemic festivals. Some of the components normally offered will be deferred in 2022 and resumed in 2023, including school visitations, open stage performances, evening kanikapila, workshops, and the vintage steel guitar exhibit. Due to the unavailability of a direct-wired internet connection at either site, the festival will not be livestreamed but will instead be videorecorded and posted to the Hawaiian Steel Guitar Showcase archives.


Click here to see and download the Festival's Complete Event Schedule

Saturday Ho‘olaule‘a

Saturday's main program will be presented at the Shops at Wailea in Wailea and hosted by Monte McComber. Ten featured steel guitarists inclujding three NextGen keiki steel guitarists will be presented in a five-hour program beginning at 11:00 AM.

Sunday Ho‘olaule‘a

Sunday's main program will be presented at the Queen Ka‘ahumanu Center in Kahului and hosted by Kathy Collins. Ten featured steel guitarists inclujding three NextGen keiki steel guitarists will be presented in a five-hour program beginning at 11:00 AM.

Featured Steel Guitarists

This year's featured steel guitarists include Greg Sardinha, Joseph Zayac, NextGen Tai Misailidis, Joel Katz, Konapiliahu Lau, NextGen Joey Misailidis, Geronimo "Geri" Valdriz, Bobby Ingano, NextGen Mālie Lyman, and Alan Akaka.

11:00 AMGreg Sardhina
11:35 AMJoseph Zayac
12:10 PMNextGen Tai Misailidis
12:25 PMJoel Katz
1:00 PMKonapiliahi Lau
1:35 PMNextGen Joey Misailidis
2:00 PMGeronimo "Geri" Valdriz
2:35 PMBobby Ingano
3:10 PMNextGen Mālie Lyman
3:35 PMAlan Akaka

Steel Guitar Hands-On Experience

A Steel Guitar Hands-On Experience will be offered for anyone wanting to become more familiar with the Hawaiian Steel Guitar. Festival guests can gain an introduction to the instrument and try their hand at playing the instrument under the direction of a trained steel guitar docent.

The Festival Posters

2022 Maui Steel Guitar Festival Poster - The Shops at Wailea

The Maui Steel Guitar Festival-The Shops At Wailea poster was designed by Addison Ching features pictures of the master performers superimposed on a picture of a Asher Alan Akaka Limited Edition 8-string Hawaiian Lap Steel Guitar. Logos of major festival supporters are also included on the poster.

2022 Maui Steel Guitar Festival Poster - Queen Ka‘ahumanu Center

The Maui Steel Guitar Festival-Queen Ka‘ahamanu Center poster is similar in design to the Maui Steel Guitar Festival-The Shops At Wailea poster. Click on the thumbnail for a larger view.

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